Artificial Intelligence Ethics

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Ethics

Today, AI is seen as a way of easing our lives and bringing comfort through recommendation systems, logistic optimizations, fraud detection, automation, and other methods. It comes with some challenges, such as unemployment, AI behavior toward humans and vice versa and AI glitches, stupidity, security and robot rights. The pace of AI advancement is increasing every day. It is difficult for law enforcement to keep up. It is essential to set limits in order to ensure sustainability for all living creatures. While we know that AI systems can be superficial and are difficult to manage, introducing Artificial Intelligence Ethics could help us move towards the future AI world.

What is Artificial Intelligence Ethics?

The moral conduct of a person in different areas of life is called ethics. The same applies to ethics in artificial intelligence. AI-based soft-wares are all around us, such as Google’s search engine, Alexa recommendations on Youtube Netflix, self driving cars, facial recognition systems, and Alexa other recommendations on Youtube.

This raises questions about how algorithms can provide credit recommendations or determine credit limits for different customers. While it’s easy to understand some algorithms, deep learning algorithms are difficult to comprehend. There are constantly-evolving algorithms out there that learn new things every day. It is difficult to know what parameters are resulting in the results.

An AI system is used by banks to approve loans for different individuals. The algorithms can choose any parameter, including race/ religion/ caste/ social status. This is against our moral law that all people should be treated equally. While companies using AI systems may not have any knowledge of discrimination, they can see previous year data and find that certain races/ religions are not receiving loans approved with the same status as others. Bank cannot be held responsible for discrimination. However, it can affect people’s morals, so it must be included in the law. There shall also be ethical norms regarding AI systems.

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We are making rapid progress, and even though we can create systems that produce human-like results. Now the question is, how do we define human-like? It is possible to influence and manipulate human decisions. This is where the problem arises: how can we trust these AI systems to be fair and honest?

Explain the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

These are the situations in which artificial intelligence might be considered unethical to explain ethics.

  • AI taking away jobs is a way to deal with unemployment
  • Inequality in wealth creation: AI machine owner vs. others
  • Artificial intelligence mistakes and stupidity
  • Privacy and security concerns

We choose our friends based on what we like, such as clothing, style, food, and the type of people we are comfortable with. Human beings are multifaceted.

The parameters that we choose for our morals aren’t specifically defined. AI systems learn from the data we provide. This is the timeline of when we feed AI systems Terabytes worth of data. We mean all humans who knowingly or unknowingly continue to feed data to Google search Engine/ Alexa, and other applications. This cannot be controlled, such as how much data to feed and what data to feed. The AI deep learning algorithm is extremely complex and continues learning. Reinforcement learning is a good way to improve model but it depends on what data we provide.

Today, artificial intelligent robots with human-like features can be built. They look and talk like humans, and they have emotions and expressions similar to humans. NEON AI Samsung, for example, has created AI humans. It’s just the beginning. When they interact with humans, it is possible to achieve influential results.

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These ideas lead to the concept of AI ethics. This is nothing more than the moral principles of an individual or group that govern the actions or, in this case, AI systems or AI-human robots. Artificial Intelligence can be described as technology but it also affects human beings. Therefore, ethics for AI is important.

We are here concerned about how these systems are trained, what they predict and what they deliver. Artificial intelligence systems are not completely neutral. This is why bias is a major problem.

It works in reverse. However, robots must be treated the same way as humans. This gives AI its own rights and allows them to use it in situations where they cannot. Let’s say one orders robots to kill humans. This is clearly wrong. However, robots must be able to make that decision. We must now define AI ethics.

This could be either a blessing or a curse depending on who it gets. If terrorists can manipulate intelligence to make jihadis, how about training them to create artificial terrorists to harm others?

These issues must be addressed by AI ethics. Google and other large companies have established their own ethics codes that AI will only be used ethically and will not be weaponized.

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