Police Science

Police Sciences are topics of subject nature with unique approaches and in-depth topics. They also serve independent purposes. Its relationship to other sciences is not attracted from its independents, or from the privacy and individuality of its own.

The urgent need to develop police science and all its specialties is a pressing necessity. This is to improve the performance of police affairs and meet its needs, strengthen its capacities, and address all aspects of crime and delinquency within the legal context, without prejudice to individual rights and freedoms.

Police Sciences is often used as an ambiguous term data science job to denote studies and research that directly or indirectly deal with police work. Research and studies in criminology. This umbrella term covers forensic science and psychology as well as jurisprudence and correctional administration.

There is a distinction in terminology between “Security”, “Police” and “Law Enforcement”, which means:

Security refers to all aspects of security in a community. It is the collective responsibility of all members of the community. Therefore security covers all roles that are assigned to private security and public security as well as all institutions involved with comprehensive security, no matter governmental or civil.

The term “Police” is used to describe the role of the state in achieving public security. This includes both the Ministry of Interior and Homeland Security.

The term “law enforcement” refers to all agencies within the state that have been given authority by the law to enforce its rules. It includes security services, police, municipalities, and governmental agencies.

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The term “Criminal Justice”, on the other hand, refers to two subjects: Crime Control and Administration of Justice. The Criminal Justice System includes the Police, which is responsible for detecting crime, the Public Prosecutor, who investigates and accuses, the courts that are involved in the issuance of criminal convictions, and the police responsible with implementing the Corrections.

The Following Summarizes the Three Types of Police Work

  1. Public Category – Community security and safety of its citizens (60% of the work of the police)
  2. Specialized Categories related to crime and criminality, in association with criminal justice agencies (30% of the work).
  3. Private category related to law enforcement in combination with other governmental agencies (10% of the work).

We can therefore define the Police Sciences as education and research, training, development.

These are the Divisions they are Divided Into It includes

  • Foundation of the Policing and the Historiography
  • Police Organization and Administration
  • Police Training and Education
  • Police Operation and Functions (Strategy for Policing).
  • Police Contact, Police Culture and Ethics, Decision Making, and Police Misconduct and Accountability
  • Policing and Diverse Societies
  • Technology and the police
  • Private Security
  • Police Human Resource Management
  • Security Sector Management
  • Police Camp Management and Administration
  • Specialized police operation management
  • Border Security and Management (which includes regulations, procedures and insurance and management of ports, airports, and land borders)
  • Security Knowledge Management
  • Cyber Security